humpday happy list.
today, work do i put this delicately? mind-blowingly awful. but my main man came back from a work trip today, and that means i won't be cold when i go to sleep tonight. so all in all, life is pretty great. silver linings and blessings people. that's what we're happy about today.{when it's as cold as it's been, those who don't have a warm bed to sleep in are always in my prayers and weigh heavy on my heart. there are many in the twin cities metro area who are not as lucky as the rest of us. the salvation army northern division provides emergency winter shelter for adults and youth in the area, as well as emergency utility assistance. if you live in the area and please consider visiting their site this winter and donating to ensure that everyone who needs someplace warm to spend the night has one.}1) humpday song: "get out" by casey abrams.have to say, i'm not normally one to like the american idols (with the obvious exception of jennifer hudson, because she's too fabulous), but i heard this song on the radio the other day, and could not stop humming it. all. night. this is the kind of song that i will be replaying ad nauseam until everyone around me forbids me to play it one more time. tell me i'm wrong.[youtube]2) humpday comfort food: lentil soup with sausage, chard and garlic.i'm making this tonight for the Mister Man and myself. it will be a miniature celebration of him not having to travel tomorrow as previously planned. i made a massive run to the grocery store last night, and bought the sausage for this recipe, but happened to forget all the other key ingredients, including the lentils. who forgets lentils for lentil soup? i make my life more difficult than it needs to be. (p.s. mom, are you so proud of me for finally deciding to cook with lentils?? (update: it was delicious.))3) humpday warmth: silk long underwear.i've been wearing these for 3 days straight. they have saved my life when i've had to be outside in the frigid weather (Mister Man, i went grocery shopping in this for you. i would have been content eating popcorn for my next 10 meals). my lovelies in other cold places? i know you think 20 degrees is cold, but -20 degrees is when you learn what cold really is. your snot freezes instantaneously when you step outside at that temperature. that is not a myth.
4) humpday warmth 2.0: the memory of warmer places.see monday's post. then see my comment above re: the -20 degrees. this photo is now my desktop background.
5) humpday excitement: beer dabbler weekend.this is what i will look like on saturday afternoon. bundled to the high heavens. with a homemade pretzel necklace around my neck (that's a beer tasting thing. i'm obviously a professional?). tiny beer tasting glass in hand. cold weather be damned, we will drink beer outside and be merry! actually, all the fun things to do in the tundra are happening on one momentous weekend. it's going to be ah.may.zing.
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