i gave up coffee and only partly died.
you'll forgive me if this post doesn't make any sense.you see, my head is very cloudy today, as i've given up coffee in the very recent past.i swear i'm not insane or suffering from sort of psychological episode, and i'm also not pregnant (because don't tell me that's not where your heads all went immediately!). i'm just trying out an experiment of sorts.we need to back up a bit to talk about where i was at before making this decision, okay?every morning i would wake up and make coffee for myself and the husband. i'd pour myself a large travel mug full before running out the door to catch the bus. by the time i got to work, i would be halfway done with the travel mug, and it was gone by 9:00am. a lot of days i'd have networking meetings at the caribou coffee in the lobby and i'd get another small light roast. then by the afternoon, i would be feeling a little tired, so i'd grab a keurig pod and scoot on down the hall to make another cup.so by the time i'd get home i was 3/4 of a pot of coffee deep. and i'm just a little thing![gallery type="square" ids="2289,2290"]and let's not talk about the vending machine pop. (yes, pop, not soda.) as a co-worker of mine likes to say, "that first sip is just so cold when it hits your lips!" not quite the same addiction as my coffee one, but it was starting to creep up on me.so i was already starting to think about cutting back, you know, for health reasons, and sleeping better, and being more alert during the day. oh and not wanting to have an addiction. that too.but that wasn't quite enough to light a fire under me and actually give up anything.the final straw was when, at my annual lady doctor appointment, i mentioned that i was starting to think about popping out little 'z' babies (i repeat, i am not currently pregnant), and made the mistake of saying i was just going to wing the coffee withdrawal when it happened. i got a couple of raised eyebrows and a side comment of, "you can survive without caffeine...i made it through med school without it".well at that point the gauntlet had been thrown. tossed at my head, really. and i went straight from, maybe i'll cut back on my caffeine, to I'LL SHOW HER I CAN GO WITHOUT CAFFEINE, WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?!?so, like many big decisions in my life, the decision to give up coffee and soda was done purely to prove that i can do something just as good as someone else. don't call me competitive, i'm just passionate.it's going...okay. i have been drinking tea in the morning to keep up the ritual of having a hot drink in a travel mug on the bus. i've been trying to save money anyway, so it's pretty easy to go without the caribou. and i've been so busy at work that i don't have the time to get my keurig in the afternoon. the only time it gets bad is right after lunch, when my vision starts to blur and i can't think of any of the right words to say. and that lasts right into the evening...you should have seen me trying to type this post.
the only thing i don't think i'll ever be able to break the habit of is drinking a cup of coffee on weekend mornings with my love in the living room, reading the paper (him) and catching up on emails (me). that's just too precious and wonderful to me.but i never said i was perfect. just competitive and stubborn.