in the little things.
okay, enough of the frump. as Mister Man said to me when we talked about my mood problems (turns out he was feeling similarly uninspired), "i think it's from running around being busy for the last few months and then all of a sudden actually having time to think". he has a point. sometimes you can only see the BIG! EXCITING! THINGS! that you forget that most of the time, it less about finding your inspiration there, and more about finding it in the everyday minutiae. (kablam, there's your vocab word of the day.)as of today, i'm officially looking for inspiration in the little things:chocolate chip pancakes made for me by the Mister Man.
reading a magazine cover to cover in one sitting.
some festive gourds hanging out around the apartment.
last minute halloween costumes (as always).here's to finding the happiness in finishing translation assignments early, letting the apartment warm up with the sun, and enjoying the smell of laundry fresh from the dryer.p.s. what do you think of the new look? you probably don't know this about me, or maybe you do from the way i come across in the written word, but i am pretty picky. about the most odd things. like how i like my guacamole, or the order in which i eat skittles. so i pretty much stared at the layout for a few hours *coughdayscough* before i pushed the publish button. it's a weird place, the inside of my brain.
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