humpday happy list.
it's already wednesday! isn't that the best news you've ever heard in your life? i think so. let's keep this short and sweet. mid-week is awesome. i'm going to eat a buffalo jazz salad at work to celebrate (yea, that is a real menu item in the cafeteria). cheers and happy halloween! (now realizing this could have been halloween themed, but that just shows what i know)1) humpday giggle: the best synopsis of the wizard of oz.this is one of my favorite movies of all time. all time, you understand me? i could sing the whole thing in my sleep. normally, you don't say anything bad about this movie to me. but this made me laugh for about 10 minutes.2) humpday recipe: funfetti cookies. i've been craving these since i saw the first photo of them on pinterest. then i started seeing them everywhere online, and now i have to make them. i instructed Mister Man to buy sprinkles on his grocery shopping trip today. because, priorities.
3) humpday nerd alert: this fake minute by minute breakdown of the first hobbit movie.i don't think i've mentioned here that i am a huge harry potter and LOTR (Lord of the Rings for those of you less in-the-know) fan. i know that this might make you laugh, but i do not care. i went to the midnight showing of every LOTR movie in high school, and if the alleged all day viewing marathon of the trilogy does not happen this winter like my husband has been promising me, so help me God... anyway, the joke about this particular article is that the shortest book of them all, the hobbit, is going to be stretched into three almost-three -hour-long movies. pretty excessive. and mostly favorite line: 23:11 – 31:30 Bilbo wakes up, finds dirty dishes because the dwarves ate without him before they left. Cue twelve minutes of Bilbo scrubbing pots and pans, capped by a tense standoff with a particularly stubborn bit of baked-on grease that Bilbo ultimately decides to let soak.4) humpday clothing: this gorgeous shirt from lovely would this be as the base for a holiday outfit? skinny black pants, jeans, a pencil skirt... i'm a sucker for sleeve details. and lace. and red. and madewell. so why can't you just lower your prices already madewell? i'm not made of money! and i have so many wants.
5) humpday awww: elmo talking to nyc kids about the hurricane.this is such an adorable way to help both kids and parents get through such a tough situation like hurricane sandy. that elmo is amazing. you go, little guy!
(see my past humpday happy lists here)
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