my one word for 2021.

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(noun): clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.

if you’ve been around for a while, you might remember that your girl is not a fan of new year’s resolutions. there is just a lot of yucky pressure with having no idea what the year will bring, but tying yourself to tangible resolutions. don’t get me wrong, i make myself goals every year, but they feel less serious since they’re less formal. sidenote: i just looked back at my 2020 goals, and besides ALL MY TRIPS i wanted to take, i didn’t do a terrible job of meeting them. funnily enough, make more bread was one of my goals and then i ended up making myself a sourdough starter because of quarantine.

i like the idea of a word because it acts more like a symbol of what you want to achieve or focus on in a year. i had a few ideas for 2021, softness and openness were a couple of them. but then i started to think about what i wanted out of the year. in the bible study i’m in, we ask the other members to pray for our personal intentions at the end of each meeting. for much of last year, it seemed like i would consistently ask for clarity. clarity in my purpose, clarity in how i should be living out my vocation, clarity in how God wants to use me for His good. it has all felt a little hazy for a while like i need everything to come into focus just a little bit more. so when i thought back onto that intention from the past year, it seemed right that it should become my intention for this next year.

i’m excited to focus my prayer life with this word and to also let it inform how i communicate with others. i have been talking a lot less on instagram stories lately, mostly because i feel more and more called to be clear in my messages. i want to practice clarity in my communication while not losing the spontaneity of how i interact with others. does this sound like my own personal toastmasters club? as i read that back, i think it might, but oh well!

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grandpa’s chicken tortellini soup.


wine date.