oh, so this is when the work starts.
oh hey, hi there. thanks for stopping by.i had every intention of doing a lovely little home improvement post with before and after photos today (all the intentions, i had them!). and then guess what happened? we started doing more home improvement, so i couldn't finish the after part of the first project i started. i feel like this could become a thing with me if i'm not careful...being that person who's never done with the projects.because my husband, he is a do-er. oh my gosh is he ever a do-er. if homie gets it into his head to start a project, well you better believe that supplies will be bought and plans will be put into action within the week. and then the project will be done by the end of the week. because i'm a team player, i am more than happy to help him in these ambitious undertakings.but sometimes we get on a roll, and when one project ends, we start another. and sometimes maybe the finer details of the end of a project (like, i don't know, say, putting things onto the shelves we've just installed) get lost in the shuffle. and then all i have to show for the hours of work we put in are the "before" photos, because we haven't gotten quite all the way to the "after".all that to say, we decided to take on the ugly basement walls this week. and you know, for such a small house, there are a lot of walls to be had in that basement. one might say TOO many walls...so what we thought would be a one partial night project turned into a two full night project. because when the people before you paint the basement bedroom dark red...it takes a coat or three to cover it up. sidenote: who paints their basement a color that dark when there are really no windows to speak of?? was the goal to make it as dungeon-y as possible? if so, congratulations, you succeeded. wait until you see the artistic mastery that is waiting in the basement family room...then you'll understand my angst.
the "after" of this room is coming, but since we got done painting it LITERALLY TEN MINUTES AGO (not bitter), it's not ready for its closeup just yet. these awesome "before" photos will have to do. (although i did leave a sneak peek of the "after" on my facebook page if you want to go check it out...)we've been a little bit spoiled with having a house that's ready to move in, but now that we know what we want to change, this is when the work starts. and you know what? if i get to do all the work with that guy there in the photos, i don't mind a bit. we make a great DIY team, especially when listening to classic rock and painting with no pants on. (too much? too bad, it was hot out today.)