these days.
well, this week went so fast and i had so much to get ready for this weekend, that i have nothing much to say about it all. that's a first!so here's what's happening around here these days. there's a whole lot of planning and organizing and the like going on, that's for sure.september just does that to a person i think.
these days i’m…eating the first soup i made from my grandpa's cookbook. i'll be cooking my way through it over the next year(s) or so, and if they all turn out like this, i'm pretty excited to keep going.reading the new j. crew catalog and wishing with everything in my being that i made more money so i could dress myself in all of it. all the sweaters and the shoes and the bags and the everything!wearing scarves once again! people might make fun of me, but when i'm waiting for the bus, that chill in the air is real. and scarves are the best, so you know what, i'm there now. (also, leopard shoes are the best neutral, game over. )
drinking red wine again! i am a seasonal drinker (it relates to this), so i only drink red wine september-may. and i've missed it. it makes me feel more like a grown-up.planning to host a few girls this morning for a brunch and bloodies before the big tommie-johnnie football game. for those of you not from minnesota/not familiar with the miac conference, st. thomas and st. john's are rival schools here. tommie-johnnie is the annual game when they play each other, and the rivalry is so much fun. we travel to whichever school the game is at, and it's such a good excuse to see old friends from both of them. (go purple!)
loving how much we've been getting done on our house. i'm so excited to have all the rooms finally done, and get into the interior decorating piece of all of it. that's my sweet spot, and it's going to be fun.not loving that Mister Man's travel season is ramping up again. i just miss him so much when he goes away. (tiny violin playing in the background) looks like it's going to be a long season of single lady meal nights. single lady meal=popcorn and wine for dinner.working on being more organized around here. i'm planning on overhauling my schedule and how i run our house, and i'm really hoping it's going to be a great thing for my life. the goal is to have more time to work on my little projects that i've never finished (christmas stockings, mending work pants, etc.) and more time to relax. possible? we shall see.