thermostat wars.
hey. hi. question for everyone: anyone noticed how cold it's getting? if not, i'll let you in on a little secret. it's cold out now. cold enough to warrant wearing winter coat, hat, mittens, AND scarf while waiting for the bus. also cold enough to warrant sleeping under the heavy down comforter, IF your husband lets you put it on your bed. which he doesn't. the silver lining is that it is perfect latte weather, and i do so love my has also become cold enough to think about turning on the heat. yea, i said think about. because i am married to a person who apparently has no concept of cold temperatures. the man doesn't get cold. hot? absolutely. if he is uncomfortably hot, you will hear about it. but cold? nope. he always dresses like the weather is at least 10-20 degrees warmer than it actually is. so where i'm wearing my full winter getup already, he is still in a light fall jacket, or maybe just a sweatshirt. which is all well and good, until the heat needs to be turned on. the man waits forever(!) to pull the trigger. is this the same for all couples? one is a furnace and one is a freezebaby? for those of you who are the same temperature as your better half, what is that like? you must have the most harmonious relationship in the universe.
the conversation normally goes something like this:me: "what the..! it's only 63 degrees in here right now!! we're going to freeze and slowly waste away to nothing!!!"Mister Man: "it's not cold. just put on a sweater and socks. why do you never wear socks?"me: "i wear slippers! and it is extremely cold. please can we turn on the heat?"MM: "the sun will warm the place up in a little bit. i'm the one who is here all day, you go to work!"me, as i wrap the fleece blanket around me like a snuggie: "okay fine."(three days later)text message from MM: "i did it. i had to turn on the heat. it never warmed up and i'm cold and i don't like it."me: "it's okay honey. even the strongest men get cold sometimes."looks like i won this one. now we just need to see how high i can get the temperature on that thermostat.___________________________________________________in other news, we are headed down to iowa today to visit friends and go to the iowa state football game! i have never been to a real tail-gate before, and according to Mister Man, who is an alum, iowa state has some good tail-gating. PLUS our friends who are living in oklahoma are going to be there too! so much excitement! so many exclamation points! hope everyone has a good weekend full of fun. enjoy your extra hour of sleep (because it's ACTUALLY daylight savings this weekend).
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