traditions (part the second).

throughout the christmas season, i will be linking to my post about zach at the beginning of every post. in the spirit of the season, please consider sharing his story and/or making a donation to the zach sobiech osteosarcoma fund. then give someone you love a hug. i feel like a lot of you guys might have this same tradition. show of hands: who loves Christmas pjs??? i don't remember exactly when this tradition started in my family, but almost every Christmas that i can remember, we have gotten pajamas as a gift. back when we were little we would open them as our first gift on Christmas morning and change into them right away. as we got older and wanted to sleep a little longer in the morning, the pjs became a Christmas Eve gift, so we would open them at night after going to midnight Mass and sleep in them. i'm hoping to keep this tradition alive and kicking once Mister Man and i have a little kiddo or two running around here, but for now i like feeling like a little kid myself with my new pajamas every Christmas.last year we had probably the best pajama gift experience of all time. you'll need some background to get the full impact of this story. my dad had been searching for years for the perfect theme song for my family of seven people. one day he stumbled upon this perfect little gem (my favorite part is at 2:30):[youtube]and that was that. we became the magnificent seven from that moment on. it's how emails sent to the group are addressed, and every family outing is now the "magnificent seven [insert event name]". it's a pretty great thing. my family is ridiculously awesome. so last year, my parents decided to get our normal Christmas pjs, but with "magnif 7" embroidered on the shirts. i can't remember a louder Christmas morning in our house. this particular morning also happened to be the first Christmas morning that Mister Man spent with my family. my parents decided that he needed a shirt too. his? says "magnif 7+1". yea. i have yet to surprise him in that same way.(so, i mean, it goes without saying that that morning was a lot to handle for him. and he still married me. probably because of that shirt.)this year, i'm hoping the tradition continues (hint, hint mama and papa hools), although it will be next to impossible to top last year's hullabaloo. i found a couple cute ones that would work great![gallery ids="778,777,779"]does anyone else do the Christmas pj thing? do you still keep the tradition alive? would you do it with your own family someday?read about our other traditions here: part the first.

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humpday happy list.


a real life superman.