#12daysofblogging starts tomorrow.

it starts tomorrow!! christmas festivity up the wazoo, and we could not be more excited. when amber and i decided to do this, we were very nervous that people would be bored with the idea, and not want to participate (people are busy, who cares what these two girls are doing for a christmas linkup, etc.). and then people said they wanted to participate. and our hearts grew two sizes that day.

i am especially excited because to me, the advent and christmas seasons are meant for being thoughtful and reflecting on preparation for the season, and what is happening around you in your community. so let's reflect together on what christmas means to all of us.here are the prompts for you. you can write along with us every day between now and christmas eve. or you can pick your favorite prompt and only write about that. or you can pick as many as you want and write along when the spirit moves you. we are so excited to see what your favorite parts of christmas are!

please feel free to take the banner at the top of the post if you'd like to add some fun to your posts!
we can't wait to see your christmas trees tomorrow!
elsewhere with love: bloglovin’ || facebook || twitter || instagram

#12daysofblogging: oh, christmas tree.


out of my control.