twentytwelve in twelve.
almost happy new year! here is a comprehensive look back at our 2012. in twelve photos. you may notice the complete lack of either Mister Man or me in months february through may. i was fairly busy planning a wedding in 6 months, so aside from our engagement photos, there is no photographic evidence of either of us during that time period. anywhere. not on my phone, not on my cameras. not anywhere.but that doesn't mean that 2012 wasn't one of the most memorable years of my life. my wedding, moving in with the man of my dreams (in that order), some fabulous family times, my first trip to nyc, and our first holidays together as husband and wife. i am so lucky to have been blessed with everything God has given me in life.hope you all have a wonderful start to your 2013. my goal for the new year is to take more photos, to be outside more (damn you, desk job), and to accomplish at least one thing to make 2013 as memorable as 2012.january: Mister Man and i made it through our engagement photos without dying of embarrassment. kelly hayes, you are a miracle worker.february: i had my golden birthday on the 25th. and there is no photographic evidence of this. except this artsy-fartsy shot of the gorgeous flowers MM got me for the occasion.
march: it didn't snow almost at all last winter, and then it went crazy in march. and i loved waiting for the bus in it. on opposite day.
april: i got instagram. and became a million times more
annoying active on social media.may: i moved into what would become our first apartment together. and lost the corkscrew for about 2 hours. then found it again. crisis averted.
june: we got married you guys!
july: Mister Man and i are learning how to live together. which is way easier than we thought, especially when you can drink mimosas out of awesome tumblers together.august: i went to nyc for work and stayed to see the city for a day and a half. and i loved it. and it caused me to dream about the husband taking a sales job there so we could live there and love it together. (don't worry baby, i know that's not going to happen!)
september: mama hools taught me how to can things like laura ingalls wilder would have. it was amazing.
october: we had our one-year engagement anniversary, and our first photo at the place we got engaged, the front steps of the st. paul cathedral.
november: my family went to harry potter world and i took about one million photos of the chimneys. because they are perfect in every way.
december: we got our first Christmas tree together. and i was crafty!
i got this idea a little bit from the wordpress weekly photo challenge, a little bit from the inbox jaunt. she is an amazing photographer, so go check her out if you're ever in need of some inspiration!
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